100 Voices in rehearsal
5:30 PM17:30

100 Voices in rehearsal

The SMC, Wagga City Rugby Male Choir and the Arcadians Lamplighters are getting together for a rehearsal prior to taking part in the Male Choirs Association of Australia Gala Concert in Adelaide in late May.

Join us for a short concert after rehearsal featuring all 3 choirs.

Admission by donation at the door.

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Male Choirs Association of Australia Gala Concert
2:00 PM14:00

Male Choirs Association of Australia Gala Concert

Do not miss this extraordinary and rare opportunity as Adelaide plays host to 14 male choirs from across Australia!

There will be over 300 singers on stage performing an exciting and wide-ranging program. After opening with Aaron Copland’s majestic “Fanfare for the Common Man,” you will be drawn into the power of the human voice through operatic choruses, including Wagner, music from Broadway, sacred favourites like “Deus Salutis,” classics such as “Finlandia” by Sibelius, and popular music from Bob Dylan and Australia’s Eric Bogle, as well as the toe-tapper “The Rhythm of Life.”

The concert features solos from the 50-piece Festival Orchestra accompanying the choristers and outstanding guest artists from the Metropolitan Male Choir of South Australia’s Youth Scholarship Program.

This concert promises to be a truly spectacular celebration of music!

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Our first concert of the year in support of Taldumande Youth Services
2:00 PM14:00

Our first concert of the year in support of Taldumande Youth Services

Our first concert of the year in support of Taldumande Youth Services, a not-for-profit organisation that supports vulnerable and homeless children and young people aged 12 to 24 years, and their families. Tickets $35.00. Child under 16 FREE.

Click here to book tickets https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1340775 or at the door on the day.

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The last concert on our 2024 Regional Concert is in Yass.
2:00 PM14:00

The last concert on our 2024 Regional Concert is in Yass.

A concert in conjunction with “Good Vibes Community Choir” choir based in Yass to provide an afternoon of entertainment and fun.

Adult $25.00, Child under 16 Free. Follow this link to book tickets https://www.trybooking.com/CVMLS or at the door.

Tickets $25.00 Children under 16 FREE. Booking details available shortly.

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The 7th concert on our Regional Tour is a  concert for the people of Tumut and surrounding districts.
7:30 PM19:30

The 7th concert on our Regional Tour is a concert for the people of Tumut and surrounding districts.

An opportunity to sing in the historic Montreal Community Theatre in Tumut first opened on 2 April 1930 and closing in 1992.

It opened again in 1995 and in 1998 the theatre was purchased on behalf of the community. The SMC is looking forward to bringing some live entertainment to this grand old building.

We are delighted to be performing with the Tumut Public School and the Franklin Public School during the concert.

Tickets $25.00 Children under 16 FREE- $5.00 from each ticket will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters Tumut. Follow this link to purchase tickets https://www.trybooking.com/CVMGW or at the door.

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"The 6th concert on our South West Regional Tour in Wagga Wagga
6:00 PM18:00

"The 6th concert on our South West Regional Tour in Wagga Wagga

“Together in Song” A concert in conjunction with the Wagga City Rugby Male Choir in the Wagga Wagga Civic Centre.

Follow this link to buy tickets (https://wagga.sales.ticketsearch.com/sales/salesevent/136598). or at the door.

Ticket prices Adult $48.00, Concession $43.00 Children $10.00

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The fourth concert of our 2024 Regional Tour in Cowra
2:00 PM14:00

The fourth concert of our 2024 Regional Tour in Cowra

A concert in the beautiful town of Cowra at the magnificent St Raphael’s Catholic Church in conjunction with the Cowra Vocal Ensemble supported by the the Cowra CWA evening branch. Adult admission $30.00 including afternoon tea. Child under 16 free.

Follow this link to purchase tickets https://www.trybooking.com/CVMGI or at the door.

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The second concert of our Regional Tour at Wentworth Falls
2:00 PM14:00

The second concert of our Regional Tour at Wentworth Falls

  • Wentworth Falls School of Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A concert for the people of the Blue Mountains and surrounding districts with the Leura Singers as our guest artists.

Our first concert in this restored historic venue close to Wentworth Falls Village.

Adult ticket $30.00 child under 16 Free. To book follow this link https://www.trybooking.com/CVMEY or at the door.

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Your chance to buy tickets on-line closes at 6.00am tomorrow morning, so better be quick to buy tickets for our SMC Annual Town Hall Concert “Let us entertain you” tomorrow, Saturday 17 August 2024
2:00 PM14:00

Your chance to buy tickets on-line closes at 6.00am tomorrow morning, so better be quick to buy tickets for our SMC Annual Town Hall Concert “Let us entertain you” tomorrow, Saturday 17 August 2024

Back again for our major concert of the year with the theme of “Let us entertain you”. With a 10 piece string ensemble from the Sydney Lyric Orchestra and the Senior Choir of Sydney Girls High School in support as guest artists, it should be a “ripper”.

As well as some old favourites including sacred music and show tunes this year we will be performing new songs by STING - U2 - Bob Dylan and Paul Simon.

This year the SMC is proud to be supporting “Marys House Services” in their fight against Family and Domestic violence and ask you to make a contribution to this great organisation at some stage during the concert. Follow this link https://www.maryshouse.org.au/ for further information.

We extend our thanks to the City of Sydney for it’s support in kind that enable us to perform in this grand performance space.

Good seats still available on the lower and upper levels. Group of 10 or more tickets can be purchased at the special price of $45.00. Follow this link to purchase tickets and pick the best seats in the house. https://www.trybooking.com/CRPXCDon’t forget to enter your promotion code if you have one to get $10.00 off the Full Price Tickets.

Child under 16 FREE tickets also available now.

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SMC "Raise you up" in conjunction with students from St Clare's College Waverley.
2:00 PM14:00

SMC "Raise you up" in conjunction with students from St Clare's College Waverley.

An afternoon of choral singing by the versatile Sydney Male Choir and St Clare’s College supporting the House of Welcome, a service of St Francis Social Services singing traditional, contemporary and up-beat numbers from artists such as Bob Dylan, Queen, Ed Sheerin, U2 as well as show stopper such as Bring him Home and Do you hear the people sing from Les-Mis.

The venue is the Mary Immaculate Church in Waverley built in 1913.Tickets $35.00 Children FREE

To book, click on this link https://www.trybooking.com/CTDQL

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Return to the Wyong Art House
2:00 PM14:00

Return to the Wyong Art House

Back to this marvellous performance space to entertain you with guests artists the Wyong Musical Theatre Company.

Ticket Prices: Full price $52.00 Concession $45.00 Child under 12 $20.00 Student $20.00 Group 10+ $42.00 Family of four (2 adults+ 2 children or 1 adult + 3 children) $110.00

Details on how to buy tickets available shortly. For bookings follow this link TicketSearch Online

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Pirates of the Caribbean
1:00 PM13:00

Pirates of the Caribbean

We are proud to have been invited to be the guest choir at the screening of the Movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” at the ICC Sydney Theatre where we will perform alongside a 63 piece symphony orchestra. Good tickets still available for the Matinee on Saturday 15 June. Follow this link to buy tickets to the 1.00pm matinee or the 7.00pm evening screening.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Live in Concert tickets | ICC Sydney Theatre | Ticketek Australia

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Club York Christmas Lunch - 95-97 York Street Sydney.
12:00 PM12:00

Club York Christmas Lunch - 95-97 York Street Sydney.

  • Rehearsal Space - Club York (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are delighted to be performing for one of our major sponsors, Club York, at their annual Christmas Lunch function on Wednesday 6 December commencing at 12 noon through till, 3.00pm.

Come along and enjoy a special Xmas Buffet of prawns, ham, turkey and Xmas pudding and enjoy listening to the choir entertain you.

Members $55.00 non members $60.00

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